3 innovative construction processes towards environmental sustainability

by | Nov 10, 2021

construction processes environmental sustainability

The construction industry is equipping itself with new technology every day to obtain benefits such as cutting labor, minimizing personnel risks, saving time, optimizing performance, and also reducing costs.

However, it has now become more than clear that the construction sector, apart from innovating its methodology in a race against time, has also become more aware of respecting the environment, establishing a win-win relationship when working on each project.

We feel committed to letting you know how this situation is unfolding so that when executing a construction or remodeling project you take these processes into account.


Automated construction processes and robotic labor are merging to create smart, efficient, and sustainable buildings


  • Automated construction methodologies involve the use of computerized and electromechanical processes operated by machines, without the need of human participation.

Likewise, the robotic workforce already in force with robots that are capable of preparing materials and locating them, as well as replacing human workers in extremely risky situations, give this sector advantages over the past in terms of time, precision and performance.

Some examples are roadway printers that place sidewalks or driveways in a very short time or drones that can supervise any work, take images, measure any perimeter, etc.


  • Innovative materials coupled with technological advances have brought to the fore a large number of new and environmentally friendly materials such as translucent concrete, air gel, solar paint, translucent wood, bonuses (bricks that absorb pollution) graphene, self-healing concrete, photovoltaic tiles, among many others. 

They are all in a commitment to creating the least possible pollution and supporting sustainable construction.


  • The results that are being currently achieved are smart and sustainable homes, buildings, and cities with simple administration thanks to the use of shared computer data, which in turn allows a responsible and efficient use of water, energy, and other materials to offer comfort and a pleasant and healthy climate for its inhabitants in harmony with nature.


In short, a simpler administration in tune with current needs responds better to failures that may eventually arise.


The new technologies applied in construction are here to awaken more than our ecological consciousness


The greater the automation of construction processes and the greater use of innovative materials, the greater the degree of respect for the environment. Do you wonder why? It is because waste is reduced, designs are better oriented to take advantage of natural resources, and sensors are used to regulate electrical energy, water, air conditioning, etc.

At Carolina Custom Homes, we have state-of-the-art construction and remodeling experience. We will gladly provide you with all the advice you want.


Mike Goubran

Mike Goubran

Mike Goubran, owner of Carolina Development and Properties, LLC, and its affiliate, Carolina Custom Homes and Renovations, LLC, has been building homes in the Charlotte area for over 20 years.  Mike graduated with a degree in Construction Management from East Carolina University and went on to receive a Master of Business Administration from Queens University in Charlotte.  He has been a Licensed General Contractor since 1999 and currently holds this designation in both North and South Carolina.  Mike is also a Certified Green Professional and is a member of the National Association of Home Builders.  Carolina Custom Homes and Renovations is also an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau.

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