Concrete blocks: its types and know why they are the durable material used in construction

by | Jan 24, 2022

Concrete blocks

A concrete block is a prefabricated, durable, and resistant product, which is primarily used in the construction of walls.

The constitution of a concrete block is given by a mixture of materials such as gravel, cement, sand, and water. It is through vibro-compaction that a block with high resistance to compression, light, and with a clean finish is achieved.

At Carolina Custom Homes we understand your desire to know about this construction material, and we are willing to advise you on the subject.



Types of concrete blocks



  1. Solid concrete blocks: this type of block, as its name indicates, is completely solid, making it heavy and resistant. It is recommended primarily for building load-bearing walls due to the high resistance and stability that this type of concrete block gives each structure.


  1. Hollow concrete blocks: this type of concrete block has a solid part that is recommended to be higher than 50% of its total constitution, and a hollow part that should not exceed 25% of the block.

The number of holes and their distribution varies, they are light and easy to install and are manufactured in several sizes. Hollow concrete blocks are classified into:

  • Smooth hole: it has two cells and a prismatic shape.
  • High resistance: it also has two holes, very resistant.
  • Smooth solid: a solid piece of cement, smooth and uniform surfaces.
  • Multi-perforated: it has eight holes, made of steel plates with vibro-compaction-based molds with smooth surfaces.
  • Rustic hole: it has two holes or cells made through vibro-compaction in a mechanized way in molds. It’s also cured in steam chambers to achieve minimum absorption and irregular shrinkage due to drying.


Concrete blocks, highly durable material


Cement or concrete blocks as they are known, are made industrially through a vibro-compaction process which guarantees the correct combination of materials to obtain a block of incalculable resistance, excellent shape, and long-lasting.

In addition, concrete blocks become a very versatile ally since they can be used in walls, buildings, gardens, facades, etc. Likewise, due to their large dimensions, this type of block covers a greater number of square meters in less time, reducing costs and labor, among others. Thanks to their smooth and perfect presentation, they mesh very well and look impeccable in any work.


Clearly, when selecting the materials to develop a construction project we all want the best.

Contact us for more information. We have professionals in all Carolina states, a positive work environment, customer partnership, and project management.

Mike Goubran

Mike Goubran

Mike Goubran, owner of Carolina Development and Properties, LLC, and its affiliate, Carolina Custom Homes and Renovations, LLC, has been building homes in the Charlotte area for over 20 years.  Mike graduated with a degree in Construction Management from East Carolina University and went on to receive a Master of Business Administration from Queens University in Charlotte.  He has been a Licensed General Contractor since 1999 and currently holds this designation in both North and South Carolina.  Mike is also a Certified Green Professional and is a member of the National Association of Home Builders.  Carolina Custom Homes and Renovations is also an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau.

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