How often should I pump my septic tank

by | Jan 11, 2021

septic tanks

When it comes to septic tanks there are a lot of questions that might come to mind, that´s why at Carolina Custom Homes we want to help you understand a bit more about this so you can be confident about it.

Septic tanks are usually made of concrete or plastic and collect sewage and wastewater from the house, and given the fact that they can hold a finite amount of sewage, it´s common to ask about how often do they need to be emptied and how to get it done.

Regularly, the average household septic tank should be pumped every 3-5 years so keep reading to have more info about it and be prepared when this moment comes.


Follow some of our recommendations


Make an inspection frequently: the septic system should be inspected by a professional at least every 3 years. However, some systems with mechanical components or electrical float switches should be inspected more often. We highly recommend it once a year.


Which factors may influence the frequency of septic pumping?


Some of the factors that may influence the frequency of septic pumping are the household size, the wastewater generated, the septic tank size, the volume of solids in wastewater, among others… so, the best option is to call a professional to evaluate your own conditions and recommend the best alternative in your case.

At Carolina Custom Homes we dedicate ourselves to the analysis and design of the best plan to solve every case of each client. We will inspect for any leak and will examine the scum and sludge layers in your septic tank so we can work hard to find the best solution for you.

Remember, it will always depend on the usage you give to your septic tank and how many people live in your house, so there are no magic recipes, you should ask for professional guidance to take care of your tank.

Mike Goubran

Mike Goubran

Mike Goubran, owner of Carolina Development and Properties, LLC, and its affiliate, Carolina Custom Homes and Renovations, LLC, has been building homes in the Charlotte area for over 20 years. Mike graduated with a degree in Construction Management from East Carolina University and went on to receive a Master of Business Administration from Queens University in Charlotte. He has been a Licensed General Contractor since 1999 and currently holds this designation in both North and South Carolina. Mike is also a Certified Green Professional and is a member of the National Association of Home Builders. Carolina Custom Homes and Renovations is also an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau.

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